Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Voice of Reason Returns...

Ladies and Gentlemen, rest easy tonight. Your "Grand Old Party" is back on track!

Do you long for your political party to return to reason? Are you sick of political pundits and ultra right-wingers scaring the rest of the country away from the only political party that is actually interested in helping them? Do you remember a Republican Party under the leadership of President Ronald Reagan? I do.

I can recall a time when being a Republican stood for something more than just one social issue, meant more than making money for corporations, and involved more than just the bottom line. Have we forgotten that Abraham Lincoln was a Republican? Have we forgotten the lessons of the Nixon and Ford administrations? Can we recapture the glory of the Reagan years when men and women of intellect, reason and aptitude cared enough for the American people to tell them what they needed to hear, and not just appeal to their base instincts, fears and prejudices?

Here is a "snipet" of what I intend to discuss in the coming weeks, months and years:

1. Foreign Policy - Since when have we turned our back on the world to pursue a foreign policy better suited for corporate gain than the propogation of freedom and liberty to all people? The war in Iraq is a just, viable conflict, but not for the reasons you've been told.

2. Economic Policy - How have we become the "big spenders" of the political spectrum? When did we ever spend more than the Democrats (and refuse to raise taxes accordingly)? How large of a mortgage are we willing to take out against the future of our children's children?

3. Smaller Government - How long has it been since a federal department was actually made smaller, or even more efficient? How many rights have been re-vested to the states over the past 16 years?

4. Immigration - when have we turned our backs on a whole segment of the population, to exclude them from the American dream for no better reason than the color of their skin? How can we hold immigrants accountable when we have failed to secure our borders as promised, and have continued to fuel the demand for more low-cost labor by creating incentives for business to hire immigrants and refused to "turn off" the free flow of benefits to them once they arrive? I'm sure I've gotten your attention, but immigration is more than just a legal or security issue; it is a humanitarian issue, above all else. Immigrants are people, no better or worse than you or me.

5. Tax cuts - we love 'em! But what about cutting spending as well? How can we continue to borrow, spend and mortgage our futures away while still cutting taxes? Let's do it the right way: cut taxes only after cutting spending. This is Econ 101, folks.

6. Most importantly, how will we be remembered? If we take the GOP back today, we can be remembered as the Party that respected every American's right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, and treated our non-American brothers and sisters by the Golden Rule. We can be remembered as the Party that protected Americans from foreign hostility, fed, clothed, educated and cared for our countrymen. We can be remembered as the Party that demanded America to "step up to the plate" with regard to issues such as the global economy, global warming, and the energy crisis. We can be remembered for our universal respect for all life, whether in the womb, in our prisons, laboratories, or in our cross-hairs. We are the "good guys;" we have the highest standard of living in the world, and are therefore responsible for those who do not.

I'm just getting started. I hope I've gotten your attention. I'm fully prepared to write, debate and argue my postings, and hope that you will reply to them intelligently, thoughtfully and passionately. No lewd, crass or profane comments will be responded to. Remember, we've called this blog the "Voice of Reason" for a reason!

Congratulations - you can now claim to have a "Voice of Reason," and use it to defend against the Democrats, the liberal establishment, and the far-right fringe of your own Republican Party, the violent minority!

God bless you, and God bless America!


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